Sunday, November 21, 2010

the little things

God cares about the little things. I have no doubt in my mind about that fact.
In seasons where I've felt pressure or frustration (which we ALL have), He always gives me little surprises or seeds of hope that remind me that He never abandons or forgets about His kids. The important things always are taken care of, but what blesses my heart even more, is when He gives attention to the tiny, seemingly insignificant things....and those moments are priceless.

A"Papa Loving on Me" moment happened today...can I share it with you?

Every girl loves to smell pretty. I ran out of perfume about 2 months ago and have gotten by with some cheap body spray that was a stocking stuffer from about 3 years ago. My thinking was, "I'll wait until Christmas! I can get by just fine until then!" We weren't broke or anything...but we have been on a tighter budget, and with the holidays approaching, I put a few "wish list" items on hold.

It really wasn't a big deal. It's not like I would wake every morning with this cloud of doom over my head because I didn't have perfume! Did I go to the mall and mooch a few samples from the Dillards counter? Absolutely. I almost caved one day and used my husbands cologne ...but I thought that might send the wrong message to some people!

Today was a normal Sunday. Get up. Get the kids breakfast and dressed for church. Out the door by 9:00. Prepare for service.

About 5 minutes before service started, a sweet friend caught me in the hall. She reached in her purse and with a sparkle in her eyes, she handed me a dark purple perfume box. Her only words were, "I just want to give you this." She didn't know my need/want. She heard from her Father...and followed through with His idea. I was taken by surprise and thanked her, but after she walked away, tears filled up my eyes. I felt so loved.

He cares. What's important to you is important to Him. I like to think that in those moments God is saying, "Baby girl, I'm taking care of every little thing. This is how much I love you. You wouldn't ever ask me for something this trivial, but I care enough to show you I see the little things."

So I don't sweat the big stuff. Do I have moments of fear, frustration or anxiety? Sure! But they are moments. I immediately remember all the hundreds of times that my Father came through for me. It's all in His hands and I trust Him 100%.

Be blessed!