"La Hacienda Rach" - Our favorite!!!
Sometimes I can't believe we have been hitched for 6 years...That seems a long time! But I refuse to think of ourselves as old boring married people. The "newlywed phase" doesn't have to go away! He still gives me butterflies when he winks at me from across a room. He'll buy me flowers for no reason at all and sit on the same side of the booth with me at a restaurant. I still keep my legs shaved in the winter and wear fresh perfume for when he gets home from work. I believe even silly little things like that can keep your marriage feeling fresh.
When you date someone, your pursue them. You flirt with them. You are constantly trying to win their affection and attention. I think it's so sad when married couples start to act more like roommates instead of lovers. With the busyness of life, children, jobs, and even church, it's so easy to get caught in the trap of "just living together".
Don't forget to flirt. Don't forget to wink. Don't forget to SHAVE YOUR LEGS. ;) Those little things can equal a happy married life!
Be blessed.