I pricelined (as usual) our hotel in downtown San Antonio a few weeks ago and got rooms at the St. Anthony Wyndham Hotel. After checking out TripAdvisor I was horrified to see nothing but BAD reviews for this hotel, including poor air conditioner, squeaky beds, no ice, mold in bathrooms, etc...I even called Thomas crying because I was sure I totally ruined this trip by booking a bad hotel. (With Priceline, you bid on rooms and once the bid goes through, it's non-negotionable.) It was supposed to be a 3 1/2 star hotel, so I was really suprised to see such bad reviews...
Anyways, turns out the hotel was absolutely gorgeous and we had a very pleasant stay! No complaints at all. It was a "historic" hotel and didn't have all the amenities as a modern Holiday Inn, but that made it unique to us! The room was HUGE. It had 2 full bathrooms with oversized tubs, a giant walk-in closet and high post beds.

Our air conditioner DEFINITELY worked. We always crank it down as low as it will go so we can pile on the blankets, but at the lowest setting it was WAY too cold for us. That's saying something!!
The lobby was emmaculate. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling and beautiful paintings and gold statues adorned the hallways. There was a heated outdoor pool on the 6th floor with a neat view of the city's rooftops. I even thought the classical music inside the elevator was cool. It felt like a step back in time, and the "little girl in me" loved it.

Friday was Sea World day. Amanda was my hero for bringing a double stroller!

The boys had so much fun together. Aaron even rode this huge water ride. I was trembling as I watched my little baby boy plummet downward on a raft 100 feet above the ground, but as you can see, he loved it!

Saturday we went to the Children's Museum that we found as we were walking around downtown. It was just one block away from our hotel!

Being in San Antonio, you HAVE to eat nothing but Mexican food! :) We ate some every day. Yes. Every Day. Casa Rio on Thursday, Pico De Gallo on Friday and Mi Tierra on Saturday. My tummy is still recovering!
Such a fun trip! Ella did wonderfully too. She rode in the truck with Opa and Oma while the Martinez's and us rode in the Accadia. Being out of our typical schedule and away from her crib didn't phase her one bit and I'm very thankful for having a flexible baby. Trips are just so much fun to me! I know they wear out alot of people, but I always get home and am ready for the next trip!
Hopefully we will be heading up to Norman, OK soon to see Preston, Ashley and the twins!
I hope you all are having a fabulous October! Thanks for reading...