So many new things to report in the Humphries Home.
Ella has 6 teeth and is cutting her molars this week. Overall, she doesn't complain much, but does wake up in the middle of the night wanting a bottle. Usually after a tooth breaks through, she goes back to sleeping all night that next day. So everyday I'm peeking in her gummy mouth and praying for those bad boys to come through. Go, teeth, GO! Ella also has begun the constant baby babble and I just adore it! She says "Baba" and knows it means "bottle" and has said "Mama" and "Dada", but I don't think she knows what those mean yet. She's still perfectly content to sit and observe others without being interested in crawling or rolling around. I know she can, but just chooses not too. :) The other day at the gym, I sat her on the floor in the nursery and came back an hour later to find that she hadn't budged one inch. The nursery workers laughed and said she just sat there and played with a few toys while she watched the busyness around her.
Now Mr. Aaron, on the other hand, has enough energy for both kids combined! Oh, to be 3 again.
We started T-ball this year and he is loving it. He takes his role on the team very seriously and has smacked some awesome line-drives every time he goes to bat. Daddy is super proud.

I had no idea how much time we would be investing into this thing! Oh my word. Three (sometimes 4) nights a week seems a bit too extreme for a 3-4 year old league.

But he loves it and it's totally worth it.
Well, we did it. It's booked. In less than 4 weeks we will be cruising on the turquiose waters of the Carribean with no cell phone service, no laptops and no children for 7 whole days. Our stopping ports include: Montego Bay, Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Cozumel. We really need this time away. It's going to be so fun.


Montego Bay, Jamaica

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Now to work on my tan and get my six pack back!! least my tan! :)
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