Aaron begins "school" next week! Once again, his Tuesdays and Thursdays will be filled with fun activities, crafts, music and friends. Since he is now in the Preschool class at his Mother's Day Out, he gets to embark on field trips such as the zoo, fire station, pumpkin patch, etc. I'm really excited about this new program that he is in because they have so many different activities during the day. Music class, excersise class, arts and crafts and eating lunch in a cafeteria are all fun things he gets to participate in. Most likely, we will enroll him in full-time Preschool next year, so for now this is perfect amount of time away from home getting used to a "school" atmosphere.
Aaron has started showing off his witty side lately. He loves to laugh and tell jokes. Right now his favorite saying is "Ladies and Jellyfish, Boys and Squirels!" when he announces anything. Then he doubles over and laughs at his sillyness! He is such a happy boy.
Aaron had to tell Miss D'Nae goodbye a couple weeks ago when she moved back to "Calwiforna" for school. D'Nae has babysat Aaron since he was itty-bitty and we've pretty much adopted her into our family as a sister.

Aaron adores this precious young lady and they have spent many hours together constructing forts out of blankets, conquering "bad guys" and dragons on the backyard playset and creating funny characters from his Mr. Potato Head collection. She gave him an early birthday present that he hasn't been able to put down!

Ella Bear took off walking about a week after her birthday and hasn't slowed down since!

She loves playing "hide-and-seek" with her big brother. He runs and hides in one of 4 obvious places around the house and she happily squeals and chases after him. When she finds him they both scream and tackle each other. It's adorable.
Ella's vocabulary has expanded as well! "Yes, cheese, juice (oohs), shoes, Opa, night-night (na-ni), Aaron, snack(nak), bye-bye", are all new ones as of recently. Somteimes she just babbles away in her little baby language and I have no idea what she is saying, and it sounds SO cute.
She still takes two long naps during the day and sleeps 12+ hours at night. She now owns 4 baby dolls and loves to pick them up and smother them with kisses then push them in her little baby doll stroller. Ahhh...I love having a girl!
I've recently began pursuing my passion of encouraging young moms through a group I began called "Stroller Moms". Right now it's simple. I've put together a Mom's group that meets every week at kid-friendly locations just to laugh and encourage each other. I've come to realize that all of us Moms have insecurities and questions, but yet we feel like we have to look so "put together" in front of people. I want mothers to feel like they can open up and be real with other moms in a safe place. We can laugh together at potty-training obstacles, groan together about horrific trips to WalMart and cry together about sweet milestones.
Usually when we think about being a Mom, we think of how crazy and hectic our schedules can be (especially working Mommies), but I really think that loneliness and depression has become so common in young mothers. There has to be a balance of prioritizing our husbands, homes and children but also having that much-needed friendship and support!
So I'm excited about this! Not sure what it's going to look like...but it's going to be good. :)
Eventually I would love to own and operate several online sites dedicated to parenting encouragement, advice, deals and steals, etc.
That's all for now! Be blessed.
what a sweet post. And what a great Mommy! :)