Grilled Cheeses always strike up the same conversation between my husband and I. One of the greatest husband/wife debates of all time.
Is it better to butter the PAN or butter the BREAD for a perfect Grilled Cheese Sandwich?
I say PAN, hands down!!! It just tastes better! you can guess, my husband says BREAD.
Something we may never agree on. Oh well.

I also had a Dr. Appt today! He did a sonogram and I got to see our sweet little teeny baby's heartbeat. It was such a relief to me. As much as I have been claiming perfect growth and development over our precious baby, I was getting concerned about it not getting enough nutrition. I really HAVE tried to eat...but nothing seems to set right. (Until this wonderful grilled cheese miracle!)
So, it was sweet to see that steady heartbeat....
Dr. changed my pills. We'll see how these work better. :)
I am so glad you ate a grilled cheese!! Aren't they incredible, so soothing and I agree, Butter the PAN!! They are not soggy that way! So happy to hear about your Dr appt too! Its always so wonderful to hear that first heartbeat!! Blessing to you!!