Today's "fruit" is Faithfulness.
(For those who are just now reading up on my blog, I have been practicing the Fruits Of The Spirit for the past week...)
Thomas and I really try to live a faith-filled life and I believe that the Lord has truly blessed us from it. Living by Faith has become a natural lifestyle to us. It's become so easy! I heard a wise man once say "Make it easy on you and hard on God!" How do we encorporate living a life of Faith on a day-to-day basis? Simple.
1.We don't worry.
2.We know that God will provide everything and anything we need. No questions asked.
3.We tithe. Therefore, our finances are blessed.
4.We speak positively, even when circumstances seems impossible. (..."with God, all things are _______??)
5.We speak things that are not, as though they are. Read that sentence again.
This morning when I began spending time with the Lord, He spoke to my heart about what part of Faithfulness He wanted me to focus on. My mission today was to focus on the "devotion, thoroughness & loyalty" part of it.
Devotion & Loyalty: My heart's desire is to be %100 devoted to my Savior, and to rely on Him not just as Savior, but Lord. I long to be wholly devoted to Him. To hear His Heart and act upon it with such obedience and dedication.
Thoroughness: This is something I can learn from my husband. He has such a gift of being thorough. He pays attention to detail and accuracy to the point where it drives me absolutely nuts! Don't get me wrong! I get things done well, and usually very organized! But my heart's intention has a tendancy to just say, "Hurry up. Just get done with the basics so you can move on to another project." My prayer is to be sensitive to things that don't just matter to what I want, but rather to what others need.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Today has not been half as challanging as the past three days. As a Mother of a 2 1/2 year old, I have had a bit more practice with this particular "fruit".
(See below blogs...)
I looked up "Patience" and here is an interesting list of synonyms.
"...composure, stability, submissiveness, sufferance, qualities of calmness, and persistent courage in trying circumstances."
I like the last one the best!
"Persistent Courage in Trying Circumstances"
(See below blogs...)
I looked up "Patience" and here is an interesting list of synonyms.
"...composure, stability, submissiveness, sufferance, qualities of calmness, and persistent courage in trying circumstances."
I like the last one the best!
"Persistent Courage in Trying Circumstances"

Thursday, April 23, 2009
joy & peace
Ask me if I knew what I was getting into? Answer: no.
Have you ever seen the movie Evan Almighty? If not, it's a must-see. Clean, funny and heartwarming. One of my favorite scenes from this movie is when the wife is talking to God at the diner (not knowing He is "God"). She is frustrated with her husband and with her life. Here is a golden tidbit...

God: "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
Man, oh man. That is a mouthful.
Yesterday's fruit was Joy. At 7:00am I rolled over sleepily and began to rub my eyes and begin my day. I had meditated on Joyfulness before going to bed the night before. I was ready!! Ha. I wasn't awake for 30 seconds before a sharp & excruciating Charlie Horse (leg cramp) took over my entire right leg. As I (very maturely) pounded my pillow and bit my tongue from screaming obscenities, I felt anything but Joy. To make matters even worse, as soon as the sharp cramp began to wear off, I tried to shift positions in bed causing yet ANOTHER cramp to come on! Needless to say, I limped around the house all morning and STILL am sore from the ordeal. Am I a wimp? Maybe. But IT HURT BAD. Thankfully, the day went smoother and I was able to restore some joy to my life. :)
Today's fruit was Peace. It was the most un-peaceful day ever. Isn't this sad!! I know God has a sense of humor, but really? Halfway through the day I began to question whether this "fruit a day" was a good idea. I was doing great 4 days ago.'s been a battle every day! But it's good for me. I am growing! It hurts and it stresses me out, but....
"I would rather feel the pressure from the Potter's Hand than no pressure at all" -Mary Forsythe

I had several opportunities to get anxious & frustrated. (I won't even get into the details of my day!! Haha...) Each time something came up, I had to keep reminding myself.... of peace. Peace that passes ALL understanding. Yes, I had a short meltdown at around 5:00...but I made a decision to get my emotions under control and rely on the Prince of Peace. When I did that and put it all into perspective, everything that seemed as big as a mountain suddenly became an ant pile. I can deal with that.
Tomorrow is Patience....I'm going to bed early. :)
Have you ever seen the movie Evan Almighty? If not, it's a must-see. Clean, funny and heartwarming. One of my favorite scenes from this movie is when the wife is talking to God at the diner (not knowing He is "God"). She is frustrated with her husband and with her life. Here is a golden tidbit...

God: "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
Man, oh man. That is a mouthful.
Yesterday's fruit was Joy. At 7:00am I rolled over sleepily and began to rub my eyes and begin my day. I had meditated on Joyfulness before going to bed the night before. I was ready!! Ha. I wasn't awake for 30 seconds before a sharp & excruciating Charlie Horse (leg cramp) took over my entire right leg. As I (very maturely) pounded my pillow and bit my tongue from screaming obscenities, I felt anything but Joy. To make matters even worse, as soon as the sharp cramp began to wear off, I tried to shift positions in bed causing yet ANOTHER cramp to come on! Needless to say, I limped around the house all morning and STILL am sore from the ordeal. Am I a wimp? Maybe. But IT HURT BAD. Thankfully, the day went smoother and I was able to restore some joy to my life. :)
Today's fruit was Peace. It was the most un-peaceful day ever. Isn't this sad!! I know God has a sense of humor, but really? Halfway through the day I began to question whether this "fruit a day" was a good idea. I was doing great 4 days ago.'s been a battle every day! But it's good for me. I am growing! It hurts and it stresses me out, but....
"I would rather feel the pressure from the Potter's Hand than no pressure at all" -Mary Forsythe

I had several opportunities to get anxious & frustrated. (I won't even get into the details of my day!! Haha...) Each time something came up, I had to keep reminding myself.... of peace. Peace that passes ALL understanding. Yes, I had a short meltdown at around 5:00...but I made a decision to get my emotions under control and rely on the Prince of Peace. When I did that and put it all into perspective, everything that seemed as big as a mountain suddenly became an ant pile. I can deal with that.
Tomorrow is Patience....I'm going to bed early. :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Last night, when I was spending time with the Lord, I decided I would take the next 9 days to work on the Fruits of the Spirit. I'm taking one a day and asking the Holy Spirit to speak to me on how to better use those gifts on an everyday basis. Some flow naturally, but others I really want to get better at!
So today I started with Love. My first "love" test began at 1:30am this morning when my darling son would not stay in his bed. Ever since Aaron got sick last week, his schedule has been thrown off and he has been getting up multiple times at night. Usually, he goes to bed and stays asleep all night (unless to go potty). He's always been an easy kid when it comes to bedtime. Praise Jesus! BUT, the past several nights have been rough. Really rough. He's been waking up, coming in our room and crawling up into our bed. We have always been anti "kid-in-the-bed" so we just pick him up and take him back to bed. Well, let's just say we tucked him back in his bed about 14 different times last night between the wee hours of 1:30-5:00. Back and forth we went until we were both utterly exhausted. Finally at 5:00am, we caved and decided to let him lay down with us. It didn't even take him 2 minutes to fall fast asleep between us.
As I was getting ready this morning (with dark circles under my eyes), I pondered on Love. How could I show more Love today? Different scriptures came to mind.
...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us (Eph 5:2)
....Love your neighbor as yourself
How could I truly put aside all selfishness and love others with a Pure Love as God loves me? How could I better communicate unconditional love to those around me?
If you've ever asked the Holy Spirit to constantly speak to you about something throughout your entire day, it's pretty amazing. It seemed like every minute I would hear Him whisper gently to me.
"Just email her and tell her you love her."
"Compliment that person's outfit."
"Reach over and touch your husband and tell him how much you love and appreciate him."
"Hold your son when he starts whining, instead of being harsh and corrective."
"Think about what that person may be dealing with today and have extra grace for them."
"Substitute encouraging words instead of being witty and sarcastic."
"Say that in a gentler way"
"Don't speak, just listen"
Love, love, love!
So today I started with Love. My first "love" test began at 1:30am this morning when my darling son would not stay in his bed. Ever since Aaron got sick last week, his schedule has been thrown off and he has been getting up multiple times at night. Usually, he goes to bed and stays asleep all night (unless to go potty). He's always been an easy kid when it comes to bedtime. Praise Jesus! BUT, the past several nights have been rough. Really rough. He's been waking up, coming in our room and crawling up into our bed. We have always been anti "kid-in-the-bed" so we just pick him up and take him back to bed. Well, let's just say we tucked him back in his bed about 14 different times last night between the wee hours of 1:30-5:00. Back and forth we went until we were both utterly exhausted. Finally at 5:00am, we caved and decided to let him lay down with us. It didn't even take him 2 minutes to fall fast asleep between us.
As I was getting ready this morning (with dark circles under my eyes), I pondered on Love. How could I show more Love today? Different scriptures came to mind.
...and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us (Eph 5:2)
....Love your neighbor as yourself
How could I truly put aside all selfishness and love others with a Pure Love as God loves me? How could I better communicate unconditional love to those around me?
If you've ever asked the Holy Spirit to constantly speak to you about something throughout your entire day, it's pretty amazing. It seemed like every minute I would hear Him whisper gently to me.
"Just email her and tell her you love her."
"Compliment that person's outfit."
"Reach over and touch your husband and tell him how much you love and appreciate him."
"Hold your son when he starts whining, instead of being harsh and corrective."
"Think about what that person may be dealing with today and have extra grace for them."
"Substitute encouraging words instead of being witty and sarcastic."
"Say that in a gentler way"
"Don't speak, just listen"
Love, love, love!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
potty updates!
Well, we did it! Aaron poo-pooed in the potty yesterday all by himself!
In the afternoons, I let him run around the house/backyard with a shirt and pull-ups (no pants) which makes this easier for him to go potty by himself. It has become exhausting for me to go back and forth to the bathroom, squat and help a 2 year old unzip his pants, stay in squat position while he does his business, and continue to squat to help him get his pants back on! So, we ditched the pants and he is able to go to the bathroom by himself, with the exception of me helping him put his pull-ups back on.
ANYWAY. Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch checking my emails and I noticed he kept making funny faces and running to the bathroom. He would sit for just a couple seconds, then get up. This went on for about 10 minutes and I began to get the idea he was "baking a cake." Sure enough, I walked toward the bathroom and saw him cringe and let a little yelp. I help him sit on the potty (because he didn't want to move) and not 2 seconds after his butt hit the seat...PLOP! :)
I squealed and cheered so much he said, "Mommy, no screaming!" (In my defense, I wasn't screaming...just got really excited!!) After rewarding him with 2 M&Ms, we called Daddy to celebrate the big accomplishment in the Humphries Home.
He has stayed dry all night for three nights in a row and dry for naptime as well. He'll occasionally have an accident in his pants, but overall is doing wonderfully.
...M&Ms are getting low...need to stock up again!
In the afternoons, I let him run around the house/backyard with a shirt and pull-ups (no pants) which makes this easier for him to go potty by himself. It has become exhausting for me to go back and forth to the bathroom, squat and help a 2 year old unzip his pants, stay in squat position while he does his business, and continue to squat to help him get his pants back on! So, we ditched the pants and he is able to go to the bathroom by himself, with the exception of me helping him put his pull-ups back on.
ANYWAY. Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch checking my emails and I noticed he kept making funny faces and running to the bathroom. He would sit for just a couple seconds, then get up. This went on for about 10 minutes and I began to get the idea he was "baking a cake." Sure enough, I walked toward the bathroom and saw him cringe and let a little yelp. I help him sit on the potty (because he didn't want to move) and not 2 seconds after his butt hit the seat...PLOP! :)
I squealed and cheered so much he said, "Mommy, no screaming!" (In my defense, I wasn't screaming...just got really excited!!) After rewarding him with 2 M&Ms, we called Daddy to celebrate the big accomplishment in the Humphries Home.
He has stayed dry all night for three nights in a row and dry for naptime as well. He'll occasionally have an accident in his pants, but overall is doing wonderfully.
...M&Ms are getting low...need to stock up again!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thomas got home from "Man Trip" with some guy friends last night and I am being a good wife and letting him sleep in for his I'm downstairs in my pjs at 9:30 and thinking, It's a good time to blog! :)
Well, I am feeling Ella kick and punch me like crazy now. She (just like Aaron) is most active at about 11pm and 8am. Basically I go to sleep getting kicked in the bladder and wake up getting kicked in the ribs. I stopped using "weeks" and started saying "months" when referring to how pregnant I am. 6 Months sounds good. Can I make it? YES I CAN! (Bob the Builder is on....)
Unfortunately, I had to refill my Zofran medication due to being sick every day this week. I take it before I eat a good lunch and it keeps me feeling good until about I've been eating extremely light for dinner (Cereal & Fruit or Juice...mainly). No biggie.
I had the HARDEST time finding Aaron some brown summer sandels this week! No joke, I went to 10 different stores before finally finding some at Shoe Carnival (it's BOGO stock up, ladies!!!) He wears a 9 1/2 and has a THICK foot. Half the shoes he tried were too small in the thickness of the shoe...not the length. Needless to say, I was very pleased to find some good shoes yesterday! :) I also got some cute cute cute black flip-flops for myself at Carnival. Swollen feet and closed-toed shoes don't mix. I literally stretched a hole in my favorite black flats because of my puffy feet. The three body parts that grow immensely for me during pregnancy are: boobs, feet and the obvious...tummy! :)
Anyone know of good CHEAP pedicure places in Abilene? Gotta have cute toes....even if they do look like mini sausages!
This weekend is going to be amazing...I LOVE Easter Sunday. We have some special things planned for our service at Champions. I cannot WAIT!
Well, I am feeling Ella kick and punch me like crazy now. She (just like Aaron) is most active at about 11pm and 8am. Basically I go to sleep getting kicked in the bladder and wake up getting kicked in the ribs. I stopped using "weeks" and started saying "months" when referring to how pregnant I am. 6 Months sounds good. Can I make it? YES I CAN! (Bob the Builder is on....)
Unfortunately, I had to refill my Zofran medication due to being sick every day this week. I take it before I eat a good lunch and it keeps me feeling good until about I've been eating extremely light for dinner (Cereal & Fruit or Juice...mainly). No biggie.
I had the HARDEST time finding Aaron some brown summer sandels this week! No joke, I went to 10 different stores before finally finding some at Shoe Carnival (it's BOGO stock up, ladies!!!) He wears a 9 1/2 and has a THICK foot. Half the shoes he tried were too small in the thickness of the shoe...not the length. Needless to say, I was very pleased to find some good shoes yesterday! :) I also got some cute cute cute black flip-flops for myself at Carnival. Swollen feet and closed-toed shoes don't mix. I literally stretched a hole in my favorite black flats because of my puffy feet. The three body parts that grow immensely for me during pregnancy are: boobs, feet and the obvious...tummy! :)
Anyone know of good CHEAP pedicure places in Abilene? Gotta have cute toes....even if they do look like mini sausages!
This weekend is going to be amazing...I LOVE Easter Sunday. We have some special things planned for our service at Champions. I cannot WAIT!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
the secret to getting away with anything!
...Is being pregnant! How else can you get away with some of these things! If you did this and you were not pregnant, people would label you as weird, socially awkward or a gluttonous pig.
1. You can order pineapple and green pepper pizza and people think it's cute.
2. You can puke your toenails out in a public bathroom and people stop you at the sink to offer to buy you a sprite out of pity.
3. You can accidently let a little fart or your tummy can make crazy noises and people just smile at you.
4. At a birthday party, you can confidently ask for seconds on cake and people will be proud of you.
5. You can wear the same outfit several times a week (because it's the ONLY thing that fits you right now!). And no one cares!
6. You can gain 40 pounds in 6 months with no guilt or shame!!
1. You can order pineapple and green pepper pizza and people think it's cute.
2. You can puke your toenails out in a public bathroom and people stop you at the sink to offer to buy you a sprite out of pity.
3. You can accidently let a little fart or your tummy can make crazy noises and people just smile at you.
4. At a birthday party, you can confidently ask for seconds on cake and people will be proud of you.
5. You can wear the same outfit several times a week (because it's the ONLY thing that fits you right now!). And no one cares!
6. You can gain 40 pounds in 6 months with no guilt or shame!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Potty-training update....
ALERT: This is a "Mommy Blog" and "potty" words are used frequently in this post. Beware.
We are now in full-time pull-ups during the day! AND, because Walgreens carries cheap but GOOD pull-ups, we are not having to spend almost $10 a week. Praise Jesus! :)
Aaron is doing really well! If I am consistant on having him sit on the potty every hour, then he goes! We are still working on "going" all the way and not just a little at a time. I give him 1 M&M every time he pee-pees. He only gets candy when he actually "goes" and that seems to help him get the point of going potty! He is even pottying in public places (Wal-Mart, etc...) when we are out doing errands.
We have not mastered poo-pooing...I guess I haven't caught him at the right time yet.
This method seems to work best for my Aaron. He hates being rushed and needs a laid-back environment in order to accomplish something different. I'm very proud of him. :)
We are now in full-time pull-ups during the day! AND, because Walgreens carries cheap but GOOD pull-ups, we are not having to spend almost $10 a week. Praise Jesus! :)
Aaron is doing really well! If I am consistant on having him sit on the potty every hour, then he goes! We are still working on "going" all the way and not just a little at a time. I give him 1 M&M every time he pee-pees. He only gets candy when he actually "goes" and that seems to help him get the point of going potty! He is even pottying in public places (Wal-Mart, etc...) when we are out doing errands.
We have not mastered poo-pooing...I guess I haven't caught him at the right time yet.
This method seems to work best for my Aaron. He hates being rushed and needs a laid-back environment in order to accomplish something different. I'm very proud of him. :)
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