Tuesday, April 14, 2009

potty updates!

Well, we did it! Aaron poo-pooed in the potty yesterday all by himself!

In the afternoons, I let him run around the house/backyard with a shirt and pull-ups (no pants) which makes this easier for him to go potty by himself. It has become exhausting for me to go back and forth to the bathroom, squat and help a 2 year old unzip his pants, stay in squat position while he does his business, and continue to squat to help him get his pants back on! So, we ditched the pants and he is able to go to the bathroom by himself, with the exception of me helping him put his pull-ups back on.
ANYWAY. Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch checking my emails and I noticed he kept making funny faces and running to the bathroom. He would sit for just a couple seconds, then get up. This went on for about 10 minutes and I began to get the idea he was "baking a cake." Sure enough, I walked toward the bathroom and saw him cringe and let a little yelp. I help him sit on the potty (because he didn't want to move) and not 2 seconds after his butt hit the seat...PLOP! :)

I squealed and cheered so much he said, "Mommy, no screaming!" (In my defense, I wasn't screaming...just got really excited!!) After rewarding him with 2 M&Ms, we called Daddy to celebrate the big accomplishment in the Humphries Home.

He has stayed dry all night for three nights in a row and dry for naptime as well. He'll occasionally have an accident in his pants, but overall is doing wonderfully.

...M&Ms are getting low...need to stock up again!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha YAY!!!!!!!! he's done well in class, too. Most of the time we just "try", but at least he tells me when he needs to go!! =D Progress is wonderful!
