Saturday, April 11, 2009


Thomas got home from "Man Trip" with some guy friends last night and I am being a good wife and letting him sleep in for his I'm downstairs in my pjs at 9:30 and thinking, It's a good time to blog! :)

Well, I am feeling Ella kick and punch me like crazy now. She (just like Aaron) is most active at about 11pm and 8am. Basically I go to sleep getting kicked in the bladder and wake up getting kicked in the ribs. I stopped using "weeks" and started saying "months" when referring to how pregnant I am. 6 Months sounds good. Can I make it? YES I CAN! (Bob the Builder is on....)
Unfortunately, I had to refill my Zofran medication due to being sick every day this week. I take it before I eat a good lunch and it keeps me feeling good until about I've been eating extremely light for dinner (Cereal & Fruit or Juice...mainly). No biggie.

I had the HARDEST time finding Aaron some brown summer sandels this week! No joke, I went to 10 different stores before finally finding some at Shoe Carnival (it's BOGO stock up, ladies!!!) He wears a 9 1/2 and has a THICK foot. Half the shoes he tried were too small in the thickness of the shoe...not the length. Needless to say, I was very pleased to find some good shoes yesterday! :) I also got some cute cute cute black flip-flops for myself at Carnival. Swollen feet and closed-toed shoes don't mix. I literally stretched a hole in my favorite black flats because of my puffy feet. The three body parts that grow immensely for me during pregnancy are: boobs, feet and the obvious...tummy! :)
Anyone know of good CHEAP pedicure places in Abilene? Gotta have cute toes....even if they do look like mini sausages!

This weekend is going to be amazing...I LOVE Easter Sunday. We have some special things planned for our service at Champions. I cannot WAIT!

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