Have you ever seen the movie Evan Almighty? If not, it's a must-see. Clean, funny and heartwarming. One of my favorite scenes from this movie is when the wife is talking to God at the diner (not knowing He is "God"). She is frustrated with her husband and with her life. Here is a golden tidbit...

God: "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
Man, oh man. That is a mouthful.
Yesterday's fruit was Joy. At 7:00am I rolled over sleepily and began to rub my eyes and begin my day. I had meditated on Joyfulness before going to bed the night before. I was ready!! Ha. I wasn't awake for 30 seconds before a sharp & excruciating Charlie Horse (leg cramp) took over my entire right leg. As I (very maturely) pounded my pillow and bit my tongue from screaming obscenities, I felt anything but Joy. To make matters even worse, as soon as the sharp cramp began to wear off, I tried to shift positions in bed causing yet ANOTHER cramp to come on! Needless to say, I limped around the house all morning and STILL am sore from the ordeal. Am I a wimp? Maybe. But IT HURT BAD. Thankfully, the day went smoother and I was able to restore some joy to my life. :)
Today's fruit was Peace. It was the most un-peaceful day ever. Isn't this sad!! I know God has a sense of humor, but really? Halfway through the day I began to question whether this "fruit a day" was a good idea. I was doing great 4 days ago. Now...it's been a battle every day! But it's good for me. I am growing! It hurts and it stresses me out, but....
"I would rather feel the pressure from the Potter's Hand than no pressure at all" -Mary Forsythe

I had several opportunities to get anxious & frustrated. (I won't even get into the details of my day!! Haha...) Each time something came up, I had to keep reminding myself.... of peace. Peace that passes ALL understanding. Yes, I had a short meltdown at around 5:00...but I made a decision to get my emotions under control and rely on the Prince of Peace. When I did that and put it all into perspective, everything that seemed as big as a mountain suddenly became an ant pile. I can deal with that.
Tomorrow is Patience....I'm going to bed early. :)
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